Show latest publications in product pages with Smart Embed Code

In Citation tracking by Xu CuiLeave a Comment

Since 2018, ACRO has been showing a list of latest publications to enrich their product pages. They call this section “Frontier Progress”, which will help their users to learn new progress in the fields related to their products.

We provided a solution which is both easy to use and scalable to thousands of product pages. In the following example (figure below), you can see a list of new publications related to “B7-1” in ACRO’s B7-1 product page.

Latest publications on product pages

This section is just a single line of code (below). You specify your keyword (in this case “B7-1”) in the data-keyword tag, then the code will automatically retrieve new publications on “B7-1” and display them.

<div id="bizgenius-citation-widget-container-list-new-papers-pubmed" data-maxnum="3" data-show-abstract="yes" data-keyword="B7-1"></div>

Except for the initial setup, there is no manual work anymore. You do not need to update the list manually. Each time a person visits your page, the code will automatically retrieve new publications.

The solution is called Smart Embed Code. If you are interested in showing a list of new publications to enrich your product pages as ACRO is doing, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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