Citation Smart Embed Code

BizGenius' Smart Embed Code allows you to display your citations professionally on your website without coding. Each visual component is only one line of code, and you only need to add to your webpage once, and the content will update itself automatically when we update the backend data. Smart Embed Code will save you a ton of time and hassle.

Key benefits

  • Copy-n-Paste, No coding
  • Content is automatically updated. No need to update the code
  • No need to host data on your own server (no need to setup and manage local databases)
  • Data is load asynchronously, so it doesn't slow down the loading of other contents
  • SEO friendly. Citation data indexed by Google
  • Inherit your website's own style by default
  • Style easily customizable if needed
  • Mobile friendly
  • Parameters easily customizable (e.g. citations for a specific product, citaton list display order)
  • Can be embeded in any website (e.g. Wordpress)
  • Many visual components to choose

Case studies

How we are helping biotech companies to display citation data on their websites using Smart Embed Code.
All Case Studies
“We’ve been cooperating with BizGenius for almost 10 years, and we’re very pleased with their service. They always stand by and response to us timely. ... We can totally customize the layout and the data to make those content merge into our website. They provide a 24h support to ensure code installation go without issues. Our IT department is very appreciated with this. The loading speed is very fast in the globe which will not be influenced by region that is what we want. We’re look forward to working with BizGenius for another 10 years!
Chao Liu | Sino Biological, Inc Director of E-commerce Department
Chao Liu | Sino Biological, Inc. Director of E-commerce Department
Chao Liu | Sino Biological, Inc Director of E-commerce Department
Carrie Brennan | Analytik Jena. Marketing Manager

“I couldn’t be more thrilled with my experience using BizGenius! Integrating the citation tool onto our website was seamless, and the results are outstanding. The added citations have significantly boosted the credibility of our products. In addition, the customer support team is incredibly responsive and consistently goes above and beyond to help with any questions. I highly recommend BizGenius to any business aiming to enhance their website’s effectiveness.

Visual components

Citation Number

Citation Map (Interactive)

Citation List

Citation Search Box and Filter

Citation Figure Slider

Top Journal List

New Paper List

Citation Number for a Product

Citation Number

To show a summary of how many publications have cited you, you may use Citation Number widget. For example:

The above citation number is generated from this line of code:

<div id="bizgenius-citation-widget-container-count-total-year-month" style="display:flex; justify-content:center; flex-wrap:wrap;"></div>

You may further customize the widget. For example, you may show the three numbers individually, and you can also change the font size and family.

<div style="font-size:12px;  display:flex; justify-content:center; flex-wrap:wrap;">
    <div id="bizgenius-citation-widget-container-count-total" style="font-size:12px; width:300px;"></div>
    <div id="bizgenius-citation-widget-container-count-year" style="font-size:12px; color:rgb(0, 4, 255); width:300px;"></div>
    <div id="bizgenius-citation-widget-container-count-month" style="font-size:12px; width:300px; color:lightseagreen"></div>
By default, the labels for the numbers are Total Number of Publications, Publications This Year, and Publications Last Month. You may change the labels by modifying the data-label parameter. Use ++ to separate 3 labels for the bizgenius-citation-widget-container-count-total-year-month component. For example,

<div id="bizgenius-citation-widget-container-count-total-year-month" data-label="Total++Past 12 Months++Last Month" style="color:black;  display:flex; justify-content:center; flex-wrap:wrap;"></div>

Please note, you can't use both bizgenius-citation-widget-container-count-total-year-month and individual number components such as bizgenius-citation-widget-container-count-total at the same time in a page.

Interactive Citation Map

Interactive map allows your potential customers intuitively see how popular your products are.

The above map is generated from this line of code:

<div id="bizgenius-citation-widget-container-map" style="width:100%;height:400px"></div>

This widget supports the following parameters to make it flexible for your own style:

data-disable-cluster="0" // if set to 1, then clustering of adjacent markers will be disabled. The default value is 0

data-cluster-colors="ffee00++fbb806++f6830c++f24d11++ed1717" // the colors of clusters from small to big. This parameter works only when clustering is enabled

data-custom-icon="" // the icon of individual markers

data-paper-link="stork" //the default site for a paper's abstract and full text information when a user clicks a paper. Default "stork", can also be "pubmed" or "journal".

The data-disable-cluster parameter allows you to disable the clustering of adjacent markers and show individual markers. The data-cluster-colors parameter allows you to change the color of the clusters. You need to enter 5 colors in Hex code (without the # symbol) for clusters from small to big, separated by ++. The colors also support transparency. For example, FF000080 is red but with 50% transparency. You may use Adobe's color tool to pick up best looking color combinations. The data-custom-icon parameter allows you to change the icon of the individual markers. The default is a red icon. You may use your own icon, or choose one from hundreds of Google's predefined icons. If you use your own icon, be sure to make the background transparent.

Citation Figure Slider

Citation figure slider adds a dynamic and engaging element to your website, making it easier for your website visitors to perceive your impact.

The above figure list is generated from this line of code:

<div id="bizgenius-citation-widget-container-list-figure" data-product-name="xjview" data-hide-0="yes" style="width:100%;height:400px"></div>
data-product-name="RNA++DNA" // the product name(s). You can specify multiple names separated by ++. If empty, all figures will be listed

data-hide-0="yes" // if there is no figures, hide the element? Default is "no"

Citation List

Citation List widget allows you to show a list of citations. It can be a complete list in your main page, or you may show one list in each of your product page.

The above list is generated from this line of code:

<div id="bizgenius-citation-widget-container-list" data-product-name="DNA" data-order="impactFactor" data-maxnum="5" data-show-abstract="yes" data-show-figure="2" style="width:100%;"></div>

This widget supports the following parameters to make it flexible for your purpose. For example:

data-theme="icon-2" //use predefined themes. Default is icon-2. See below of available options

data-show-snippet="yes" //"yes" or "no", default "yes". Show snippet or not

data-show-figure="3" // an integer number, indicating the maximum number of figures you want to show for each citation (only for open access papers. Default 3)

data-show-abstract="no" //"yes" or "no", default "no". Show abstract or not

data-product-name="DNA" // show citations of a single product. Default empty

data-product-name="DNA++RNA++Protein" // show citations of multiple products, separated by ++. Default empty

data-order="impactFactor" // can also be publicationDate

data-maxnum="12" // number of citations per page

data-showoriginalkeyword="no" // "yes" or "no", default "no". Show the original search keyword

data-highlightjournal="no" // "yes" or "no", default "no". Highlight journal (with yellow) based on its reputation

data-show-doi="yes" //"yes" or "no", default "yes". Show paper DOI if available

data-show-paging="yes" //"yes" or "no", default "yes". Show the text "Showing 1-x of y papers"

data-keyword-highlight="cell,RNA" //keywords to be highlighted in the abstract or snippet. Use comma to separate multiple keywords.

data-paging="append" // "append" or "replace", default "append". If "append", new papers will be shown after the previous ones; if "replace", new papers will replace previous ones.

data-search-keyword='"lung cancer"' // a string to search for publications

data-paper-link="stork" //the default site for a paper's abstract and full text information when a user clicks a paper. Default "stork", can also be "pubmed" or "journal".

data-no-paper-message="No papers found." //the message displayed when there is no paper found (this option only works for citation list of a product)

data-hide-0="no" //"yes" or "no", default "no". Whether to hide the entire div if there is no citations to display

The default values of the parameters are empty. When data-product-name is specified, only the citations of that product(s) are shown. data-order takes the following possible values, impactFactor, publicationDate, or id. If empty, the list is shown in chronological order (most recent top). If impactFactor, then high impact papers are shown first. data-maxnum specifies the number of citations to show. To increase loading speed, it is better to show a smaller number (say 5 or 10). data-showoriginalkeyword specifies if you want to show the original keyword used to find this citation. It takes 1 or 0. data-highlightjournal specifies if you want to show the yellow highlight of the journals based on their reputation. A value no means do not show the highlight. By default the highlight is shown. data-show-abstract="yes" will show the abstract. Note the list has a "More" button allowing the users to load more citations. Depending on the value of data-paging, the new citations will either append or replace the previous citations.

Click here for available predefined themes.

Please note: the data-product-name is only applicable to customers who order this field.

Citation Search Box and Filter

Citation Search Form widget allows you and your customers to search your citations. It usually couples with a Citation List widget to show the search result. Please click the button below to view a live example.

The form/list is generated from this line of code:

<div id="bizgenius-citation-widget-container-form" data-product-list="RNA++DNA++Protein" data-classes="- Any Application - ||Neuroscience||Cancer++- Any Species - ||Rat||Mouse||Pig++- Any Year - ||2020||2019||1990-2020++- Any Country - ||United States||Germany||China" style="width:100%;padding-top:20px"></div>
<div id="bizgenius-citation-widget-container-list" data-maxnum='10' data-show-figure="3" style="width:100%;"></div>

This widget supports the following parameters to make it flexible for your purpose. For example:

data-product-list="RNA++DNA++Protein" // show a dropdown menu listing products, separated by ++

data-classes="- Any Application - ||Neuroscience||Cancer++- Any Species - ||Rat||Mouse||Pig" // show one or more dropdown menus of any predefined terms (e.g. applications). Menus are separated by ++, and terms in each menu are separated by ||

data-product-name="DNA" // default product to be selected

data-place-holder-text="Enter keyword/institute/author/journal/year here" // the placeholder text for the search box

The data-classes tag enables you to add customized dropdown menus, which can be useful for users to find relevant citations quickly. Common examples of dropdown menus include applications, fields, technologies, year and country. For the "year" dropdown menu, you may list individual years or year range such as 2012-2022.

Please note: the data-product-list and data-product-name are only applicable to customers who order this field.

Logic operators such as AND, OR, NOT, and quotation marks (for phrase search) are supported. AND can be omitted. The search covers the following fields: title, abstract, title, authors, affiliation, journal, year, snippet, product.

Top Journal List

Top Journal List widget allows you to show a list of top journals which cited your company and products in a conscise way. You will be able to impress your customers with many citations in top journals such as Nature, Science, and Cell, etc.

The above list is generated from this line of code:

<div id="bizgenius-citation-widget-container-list-top" data-maxnum='100' data-minif='20' style="width:100%;"></div>

This widget supports the following parameters to make it flexible for your purpose. For example:





data-paper-link="stork" //the default site for a paper's abstract and full text information when a user clicks a paper. Default "stork", can also be "pubmed" or "journal".

data-minif specifies the minimum impact factor to be considered as "top" journal. The default value is 30. When data-product-name is specified, only the citations of that product are shown. data-order takes the following possible values, impactFactor, publicationDate, or id. If empty, the list is ordered by impact factor. If impactFactor, then high impact journals are shown first. data-maxnum specifies the number of citations to show.

Please note: the data-product-name is only applicable to customers who order this field.

New Paper List

The New Paper List widget allows you to enrich your webpage by showing a list of latest papers on a topic or a list of publications authored by your own company (or institute/lab). For example, if you have a product related to CRISPR and Neuroscience, you may enrich the content by adding a section on the product page showing latest research on CRISPR. It helps your potential customers find valuable information and is also helpful to your website's SEO.

The above list is generated from this line of code:

<div id="bizgenius-citation-widget-container-list-new-papers-pubmed" data-theme="box-4" data-maxnum="4" data-keyword="CRISPR[Title] Neuroscience" data-show-abstract="yes" style="width:100%;"></div>

This widget supports the following parameters to make it flexible for your purpose. For example:

data-keyword="CRISPR[title] Neuroscience"

data-keyword='"EEG fMRI"' // if you need to enter keyword as phrase, add double quotation marks

data-keyword="&quot;EEG fMRI&quot;" // or if you need to enter keyword as phrase, use the &quot; 


data-highlightjournal="no" // "yes" or "no", default "yes". Highlight journal based on its reputation

data-show-abstract="yes" //"yes" or "no", default "no". Show abstract or not

data-keyword-highlight="cell,RNA" //keywords to be highlighted in the abstract. Use comma to separate multiple keywords. Only works when data-show-abstract is set to "yes".

data-paging="append" // "append" or "replace", default "append". If "append", new papers will be shown after the previous ones; if "replace", new papers will replace previous ones. 

data-paper-link="stork" //the default site for a paper's abstract and full text information when a user clicks a paper. Default "stork", can also be "pubmed" or "journal".

To show a list papers from your own company or institute (lab), you may use [affiliation] tag in the keyword. For example data-keyword="Genentech[affiliation]".

<div id="bizgenius-citation-widget-container-list-new-papers-pubmed" data-maxnum="3" data-keyword="Genentech[Affiliation]" style="width:100%;"></div>

The data source is PubMed. You can also choose to use PubMed Central as the source:

<div id="bizgenius-citation-widget-container-list-new-papers-pmc" data-theme="icon" data-maxnum="3" data-keyword="CRISPR[Title] Neuroscience" data-show-abstract="yes" style="width:100%;"></div>

And the output is:

Citation Number for a Product

Citation Number for a Product allows you to show the total number of citations of a specified product inline. For example, you may have a table listing your products, and you can show the number of citations of each product in the table.


The citation counts are generated from codes like this:

<span class="bizgenius-citation-widget-container-count-product" data-product-name="DNA" data-enclose="()"></span>

This widget supports the following parameters to make it flexible for your purpose. For example:

data-product-name="DNA" //product name. If the value is blank, then it will retrieve the total number of citations in the library.

data-product-name="DNA++RNA" //product names. To count the total citation number for multiple products, simply use ++ to separate them.

data-hide-0="yes" //when the number of citations is 0, hide this span element or not. If "yes", hide the number; otherwise display 0. Default value is "no"

data-enclose = "" //what to enclose around the number of citations. For example, the value can be "()", "[]", or simply empty. 

data-pretext= "" //text before the citation number. For example "Citations: "

data-posttext = "" //text aftere the citation number. For example " Citation"

data-add-s-for-plural = "s" //Append a string indicating plurality if the number of citations is greater than 1.