Deep Analysis
"Deep Analysis" allows a business analyst, marketer, or researcher to quickly understand all aspects of a product adoption or a field's progress in a matter of minutes, including growth trends, geographic distribution, experts (and their contact information), genes, diseases, brain regions, etc. Specifically, "Deep Analysis" analyzes the scientific publications and shows the following information with charts and tables:
Let's use QIAGEN's exoRNeasy as an example. Here is the screenshot of the analysis result:

Based on the analysis of ~250 publications, it can be seen that the market adoption of exoRNeasy is rising rapidly in recent years. The average growth rate is about 75%. The product is sold well in United States, China, and Italy. In terms of accounts (institutes), Guangxi Medical University uses this product frequently, followed by Ain Sham University, First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical Univ and Semmelweis Univ.
The customers of exoRNeasy used the product to study genes such as CDK4, TK1, and CDK9 etc. The main disease they studied includes cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer and prostate cancer etc.
Deep Analysis further analyzed the frequency of each word and each phrase (up to 4-word phrase) for you to understand in what area the customers of exoRNeasy is working on. For example, based on the analysis of 2-word phrases, the most frequently phrases are extracellular vesicle(s), breast cancer, plasma-derived exosomes etc. These terms not only give you an insight of your product's applications, but also may server as guidance of your other marketing method such as SEO and Adwords.
Deep Analysis also shows you which journals published exoRNeasy citations. Sci Rep, J Extracell Vesicles and Oncotarget are the top journals where exoRNeasy are mentioned. For marketers, these journals might be a good place for banner ads.
Lastly, Deep Analysis analyzed the authors, found the top 100 power users and showed their connection graph. Bigger circle means this author published more papers using exoRNeasy, and connection between circles means the two authors co-authored a paper. From the author graph and the author table, we can see the power users of exoRNeasy. For example, Dr Del Re and Dr Danesi from Italy are power users. Deep Analysis also finds the email address of the users if you want to contact them.
In summary, "Deep Analysis" analyzes a large number of a product (or company)'s citations to give you insights on the product market adoption. The insights can be turned into actions such as optimizing SEO/AdWords keywords or banner ads placement. Deep Analysis can be used for your own products or a competitor's product.