Infographic Widget

BizGenius' Infographic Widget allows you to display beautiful infographics on your website as a lead magnet.

Key benefits

  • Copy-n-Paste, No coding
  • Content is automatically updated. No need to update the code
  • No need to host data on your own server (no need to setup and manage local databases)
  • Data is load asynchronously, so it doesn't slow down the loading of other contents
  • SEO friendly. Citation data indexed by Google
  • Inherit your website's own style by default
  • Style easily customizable if needed
  • Mobile friendly
  • Parameters easily customizable (e.g. citations for a specific product, citaton list display order)
  • Can be embeded in any website (e.g. Wordpress)
  • Many visual components to choose

Visual components

Citation Number

Citation Map (Interactive)

Citation List

Citation Search Form

Citation Figure Slider

Top Journal List

New Paper List

Citation Number for a Product


To show an infographic.

The above citation number is generated from this line of code:

<div class="bizgenius-infographic-widget-container" data-infographic-id="1001" data-partial="yes" data-ask-for-email="yes" data-cc-name="ABCBio Team" data-cc-email="" data-theme="box" style="width:100%"></div>

This widget supports the following parameters:

data-infographic-id="1001" // the id of the infographic. Required. This id is obtained from BizGenius

data-partial="yes" // display partial infographic or full? default is "yes". If "no", then the full infographic will be displayed

data-ask-for-email="yes" // show a from to ask for email? default is "yes"

data-cc-name="ABCBio Team" // the name appears as the sender of the email to user who wants to download the full infographic

data-cc-email="" // the email address cc'd in the email to user who wants to download the full infographic

data-theme="box" // the theme of the infographic. Default is "box". Can also be "none". You can further customize the look